Jesus said, “I stood at rest in the midst of the world. And unto them I was shown forth incarnate; I found them all intoxicated. And I found none of them thirsty. And my soul was pained for the children of humankind, for they are blind in their hearts and cannot see. For, empty did they enter the world, and again empty they seek to leave the world. But now they are intoxicated. When they shake off their wine then they will have a change of heart.”
Gospel of Thomas, Saying 28
You stood in the midst
and you found me
drunk on delusion,
sodden with self-will,
pickled in pride,
miserably muddled,
bitterly befuddled,
a wastrel with an empty cup.
But also,
in deep, hidden places
there was shown in me
a thirst
a yearning
—bursting to be free—
reaching out my cup
for a drop
of living water.
And then I could See,
and you were there.
(The heart changes in
such moments
of seeming despair.)
And I could See,
and you were there,
”Blessed are the thirsty.”
I turned my cup
the right way up
and received.
And now I pray
to hasten the day
when we all—
blind drunkards that we are—
have shaken off our wine
(even if only a day at a time)
and See.
Thank you for enjoying!