Very well written. Thank you for sharing! 😊

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Wonderful article

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This is what they do with all the really bad boys lol they put us in the hallways with our desks... unbeknownst to them, we were not indoctrinated 😀

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I can relate. I was the rebellious non-Catholic in my Catholic school. I got suspended a lot. In school suspension in the library, where I could read whatever I wanted.

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Your a child of God ❤️

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I want to thank you for this. I've been thinking about it for a couple of days.

The precept is not "people who disagree with me suck."

I do not wish to pretend that I possess ultimate knowledge; anything but. The more I learn the smaller I find I am.

One's enemies are to be both pitied and sympathized with; the concept of "enemy" may be interrogated by prayer. To your point, I think; we are all wayfarers in this world. It is not to our mutual benefit to regard each other as enemies.

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You’re welcome. And thank you for your comment. It’s always nice to hear that something I’ve written stays with the reader.

“We are all wayfarers here”

Yes, this exactly. And here is not an easy place to be, for any traveler. We do our best when we focus on our own journey, our own inner obstacles to be overcome, and try to hold others, even noxious others, in compassion and acceptance rather than condemnation and meddling.

I think often we carry a spirit of animosity toward others without acknowledging to ourselves that we view them as enemies, more as like just idiots or annoyances. So whenever we pray for the person in our life who is currently problematic, we are praying for our enemies.

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You are becoming a mystic! Beautiful !

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