Light of my heart, look:
A mighty storm has broken over my home.
Broken houses,
broken towns,
broken bodies,
broken hearts.
Look upon this destruction with tenderness.
Embrace all departing souls
on their journey home,
and be with the ones remaining,
oh light of my heart.
For those hurting,
for those grieving,
for those traumatized,
for those lost and in need of rescue,
send comfort and protection
and hold them in unwavering light.
The helpers are helping,
oh, light of my heart, look:
A hurricane of help
has formed over my home.
Give strength to the helpers,
give them ample provision,
give them sure guidance
and courage
and rest.
Increase their numbers
so that all may see and feel
the holy light awakening
in every heart.
And from your sovereign seat
in every soul,
help us to look upon one another
with love.
Thank you for praying with me for the victims and helpers of Helene. Please feel free to adjust the wording to suit your needs. All prayers are welcome. Here are my two recent posts about Helene. I will be publishing regular updates as the recovery efforts continue.
My family and I are safe. We are blessed. We were about as prepared as we could have been, in terms of food storage and the ability to survive without modern conveniences for a few days.
Although we were more fortunate than many of our neighbors in terms of property damage and access to needed supplies, this disaster has impacted my ability to earn income and pay the bills. If you feel so inspired, you can help me get through this by becoming a paid subscriber to this Substack for $5/month or contributing through the Buy Me a Coffee link below.
I am praying for you, and all our beloved Mountain Folk, Starr. 💖Please know you are loved, and we will help in any way we can...
This is a Divine prayer. Powerful, all encompassing and simply beautiful! Thank you so much! 🙏🏻💖