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Orwell, and in particular 1984 bears rereading. Not to memorize but to find something new. I reread this in my 50s and to my horror found a more terrible idea than I had in my teens and college years. Back then I sympathized entirely with Winston, he agreed to terrible sacrifice of his principles to try to overcome a greater Evil and is thwarted. Now I believe the true horror of the novel is that in his naivete he agrees to an end justifying the means course of action and thereby JUSTIFIES the totalitarian state he would prefer to oppose. He is Big Brother's justification, society must be protected from such pathological action!

All around me today I see people I believe are being "Winston-ed", who have been convinced that through bad action and dishonesty they can somehow magically bring about desired change . . . . I doubt they are evil in intention . . . .

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