I cannot love but that I love
in perfect light of truth
in which all labors toward the good
both lovely and uncouth
For any love I might give forth
if only for what please me
is but a feeble forgery
of the fuller love that frees me
And if we love the shining bits
and not the specks of dust
our love will never be so real
as the love you give to us
Perfection is the lofty goal
to which we all aspire
who heard you there upon the mount;
whose hearts were set afire
Alas, it seems so far away
and how can we attain
with broken, dusty, human hearts
in evil’s own terrain?
But thank you, Ever-Gracious One
for granting a foretaste
that I may know the warmth of love—
oh, how it radiates!
And though I know my best attempts
at loving reach midway,
yet still I feel you smiling down,
and, ”It is good,” you say.