God of unity, God of peace,
Harmonizer of the cosmos,
In whom all opposites find balance
and all dualities merge into oneness:
It seems I have encountered a conflict;
a disagreement with my brother.
I do not wish to be at odds,
so I pray for resolution.
As a sign of good faith,
I cast away all self-centered motivation.
I vow not to slide into bitter opposition,
nor succumb to the illusion of division.
May I behold the good in my brother
and seek not for my own advantage
but for a solution that benefits all concerned.
Lord, help our hearts turn toward the good.
Help us find the commonality between us,
and the hidden truth in each side of this apparent conflict.
May we neither abandon ourselves in submission
nor expel each other in hardheartedness
nor attempt to conquer the other,
but, trusting in the eternal good,
may we each calmly assert the truth as best we can.
Help us to accept the limits of our own knowledge
and let us not allow our pride to prevent us from being wrong.
And if, after all this, it happens
that a resolution may not be reached at this time,
may I walk away from this conflict in peace,
trusting in the wisdom of your divine timing,
and let me not hold this disagreement against my brother,
but help me to love him
as you love me.
Absolutely fantastic, thank you so much. I actually have a situation going now where I could see this helping, so I'll be making this useful straight away over here :)
Thank you very much for the beautiful conflict resolution prayer. The timing is impeccable.