PS - I just went and found a wee blast from my past... it turns out the song from 1969, "War, what is it good for?", which occupies a very old, ground-in groove in my brain, was written and performed by Edwin Starr. So, whaddya know? Two Starrs asking the same question! Enjoy!


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That's so awesome! Thank you for sharing.

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The hubby and I cut our cable about 5 minutes into the pandemic. Facebook ended shortly thereafter and also Twitter. We have no regrets about ditching any of them and we find podcasts and Substack much more informative without the condescension.

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Powerful, cogent, thoughtful. Thank you for this.

Having said that, may I add that the US was born in war, fought itself in a civil war, and escaped an economic depression (which was itself a class war) by war. The nation (if it is one) has a war problem that may be unresolvable. Which means something like a new approach to social organization altogether. Something other than a centralized apparatus for domination. Solidarity and mutual aid.

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You’re so smart. We will meet one day :)

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Can't wait!

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The world stands on the brink, and the fight is over whether Tony Hinchliffe hates Puerto Ricans or Kamala worked at McDonalds. When the money dies, it all comes down. But that’s going to hurt like hell.

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I wonder if we all have a different FBI guy, or if the same FBI guy is assigned to several of us 🤔 🤣

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Great question. Ooh, I wonder if we have the same FBI agent, Dom!

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Maybe he/she will reply! *fingers crossed*

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Thank you for your powerful and eloquent condemnation of our nation’s evil wars.

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"...let us calm our troubled hearts..."


Powerful post. Thank you.

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Thank you Starr. Well written and meticulously balanced. Skipping to the bottom line: we can't vote our way out of this situation. Your list of seven+ items is an excellent start. Unfortunately, most of our fellow citizens have not YET abandoned the central narrative enforced by corporate media and the professional class. By necessity, this central narrative depends upon their blind acceptance of inversions within a false reality. A simple example of such an inversion are the events in Kiev, Ukraine, of February 18-20, 2014: what actually happened has been characterized as a conspiracy theory, while a conspiracy theory has been characterized as what actually happened (laws of physics be damned). I'm sure you can think of a dozen other such inversions off the top of your head. Yet progress is undoubtedly being made. Every day more people are becoming aware, and once they do there is no going back to sleep. On my good days I foresee an American Renaissance. G*d bless you. All the best

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👏🏻👏🏻 well said!

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You claim to be religious but use the Lords name in vain. SMH

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